Welcome to The Pragmatic Optimist by Amrita
A quick intro, what to expect and the core belief system behind this newsletter
Hi, I’m Amrita.
3 years ago, I decided to build my growth investment fund ProjectM.
I built the fund to fulfill my pursuit to study how the world’s financial markets and economies work and use the insights to invest in companies that are leading and/or benefiting from cross industry innovations such as AI and web3.
In the last 3 years, I have scaled my fund and consistently beat the index at a CAGR of 35%.
And so, I decided to share the learnings from my journey with you on this newsletter.
In this newsletter, I will the connect the dots in macroeconomics, technology and culture using data and intuitive frameworks that will enable you to understand the “big picture”, build perspectives with clarity, identify great businesses and improve your financial and mental wellbeing to thrive in a better world tomorrow.
Here I present to you, The Pragmatic Optimist.
The Pragmatic Optimist is a 2023 Substack Featured Publication
On November 11, I received a wonderful email from the substack team saying that they have chosen to feature my publication. This was on the back of this post that I had written a week earlier on how PayPal once a "badass" fell behind as Apple Pay grew its active users at an exponentially faster rate than PayPal.
The Pragmatic Optimist- Core Principles
The Pragmatic Optimist recognizes and embraces the technological transformation that humanity is undergoing, thanks to the innovation cycle that is unleashed by AI and web3.
At the same time, I believe that it is imperative we understand the macro forces at play driving the economic and geopolitical environment. I believe the major forces are
the existing and future status of the US as the world’s leading power and thereby the US dollar holding the reserve status,
the growing power of emerging economies and its implications on the world order and
the real threat of climate change and the impact of its potentially immeasurable devastation on mankind and economies worldwide.
Therefore, in a world that is evolving rapidly by the day, it is increasingly important, that we
effectively connect the dots to understand the “big picture” and build perspectives with clarity,
identify and invest in great businesses that will shape humanity, and
improve our financial and mental wellbeing while staying pragmatically optimistic about the world.
What should you expect as a subscriber?
Starting from Dec 5, 2023, you will receive 3 emails in a week from me with the following content
Monday Macro: On Mondays, I deep-dive into a macroeconomic topic. The deep-dives are highly data and framework driven, and I write them to provide insights on how to think about the evolving US/global economic narrative.
Thursday Tear Downs: On Thursdays, I pick an evolving trend in technology and/or in society and break it down into concepts using first principles, so you can comprehend the underlying forces that are driving the trend(s), companies that stand to benefit (or get disrupted) and key indicators to watch for.
Friday Five: On Fridays, I hand pick 5 bite-size content in macroeconomics, technology and culture and present it to you in a fun, interactive way to leave you on an optimistic and curious note for the weekend.
Wednesday Watchlist (Once a month): Once a month starting January 2024, I will provide a stock report on the last Wednesday of every month that will contain the top five companies on my watch-list, my rationale and a valuation exercise of any one or two of those companies.
Final Note: I started my journey on substack in September 2023 and since then more than 1500 readers and writers have come on board. I remain optimistic that you will find my writing informative, insightful and fun. Join me as I grow as a writer and build my community by subscribing.
Hello mam
OMFG, you speak 7 languages?! I don't have the memory space, or perhaps it's a memory not properly organized... dunno. Living in a foreign country would help, but other than that, dunno - 'dunno's' as far as I've gone considering other languages.
But besides that useless info, I have nothing to offer because although I'm 'pramatic,' I'm also a mystic. :)
Good luck.